Tag Archives: foodforthought

Elasticity – and the art of Procrastination

8 Mar

How many of you made New Year Resolutions? And how many are still following them.

I make some every year. With the passage of time, they have increasingly become more realistic. Even then, I’m unable to fulfil most – a good example is – to write more.  Before you say this is vague and not actionable, it’s ALWAYS quantified and action oriented – e.g., write and publish 12 blogs a year – but, as a glance at my publishing history will show, there are typically one or two pieces in Jan, and it gradually (or steeply) peters off.

Brings me to the point I was trying to make – the concept of doing nothing. Or being “vela”. I’m asked very often – what do you do? And I have to say – nothing! My friends always rush in to defend this saying – oh you’re always busy. But busy has nothing to do with doing something. And THAT’S the point – the fact that time always expands or contracts to fill whatever one wants to do (or, in my case, doesn’t want to do) – I can SERIOUSLY spend all day long watching dog, baby and cooking reels. Just as I used to, with ease, juggle client calls/ oversee multiple output pieces/ listen to HR or ops complaints/ figure strat for the next year, as well as all that is required to raise my daughters…all in 24 hours.

So, (ok actually THIS is the point) – time is elastic. Is that good or bad? What do you think?

Voice is elastic – I am an occasional participant in a music group that meets every morning, run by a superb musician who has made nirgun music her forte and is now specializing in the music/ voices of women of underprivileged backgrounds. And, when speaking of her impressive range of vocal chords, said she used to have a voice with heavy bass but the daily riyaaz plus exercises helped her increase the range. (before you ask – no, of course I don’t do the daily riyaaz and hence voice is still stuck in Rekha Bharadwaj land).

Ofcourse, demand is elastic – price (and income, cross product) elasticity of demand is the basic funda one learnt in eco (a subject I was horrible at). Where do you see it? I see the inelasticity most often in my Rajnigandha – have been eating the small packet from when it was 7/- to now when it is 19/- with no lessening in consumption frequency (though a definite lessening in teeth quality) – so, habit forming substance has inelastic pricing. What else? Do you think the iphone is price inelastic? How high is this going to go?

Since today is women’s day, I HAVE to say women are elastic – I think a good rep is elastigirl (remember the one from Incredibles – the mom who has superhuman elasticity granting her the ability to stretch any part of her body, but also has to stretch in hundreds of different ways each day – She’s an exceptional acrobat, marksman, motorcycle driver, pilot, operative, investigator, and tactician, as well as a masterful hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist).

And finally, I think body size is elastic  – fat cells though aren’t – they never die, only expand and contract. Argh! this cellulite is going to be my friend forever! Reminds me of these memes I’ve seen recently.

Ofcourse, my engineering friends probably have trauma flashbacks of Young’s Module and Hooke’s Law. Who remembers what these were?

On topic, I like this saying by Thomas A Edison : The most necessary task of civilization is to teach people how to think. It should be the primary purpose of our public schools. The mind of a child is naturally active, it develops through exercise. Give a child plenty of exercise, for body and brain. The trouble with our way of educating is that it does not give elasticity to the mind. It casts the brain into a mold. It insists that the child must accept. It does not encourage original thought or reasoning, and it lays more stress on memory than observation.

But, tell me what do you think – what is elastic. Is Justice in today’s world elastic? #foodforthought

Mindfulness – yes or no?

7 Mar

Hirana …samajh boojh ban charana …

Have you heard this song by classical maestro Pandit Kumar Gandharva? I heard it….no, LISTENED to it properly for the first time today – mindfully, thinking of the lyrics – and the mind was blown. It’s a song I’ve heard many many times before – and I really love it. But, the lyrics are something else altogether.

See, this is my perennial problem with music – I don’t listen to the lyrics, it’s only the melody and the composition that stays with me. And even in the music, I’m not good with percussion – so, really, only the melody….

Most proponents of music are aghast – because the poetry, the bhaav, the “feel” is all obviously in the lyrics. I feel a bit of an interloper in the music world sometimes because of this – I feel I’m really not doing full justice to what the composer-lyricist duo want to say. As an example, in a morning music group that I’m a part of, where everyone is singing/ thinking of/ analysing and applying the words (the group sings songs on spirituality and duality and oneness and nirgunta etc), and everyone is getting moved by the spirit of the songs – I am blithefully oblivious to that – I just trip on the music ( thus for sure depriving myself of the entire experience).

I first heard ….no, LISTENED to the word mindfulness some 12 years ago when my very fit friend said one must eat mindfully – those were the days I was inhaling chola bhatura and mutton biryani as often as I could! Was fairly gobsmacked at the concept and ofcourse immediately rejected it as irrelevant to me (resulting in a 10 kg weight gain in subsequent years – over an already bloated figure!).

But, I find myself reevaluating this concept often now. As an example, the listening to music for me (something that is as essential as breathing almost) is not mindful – hence I suspect the non-attention to the lyrics, and also the inhibited ability to remember songs fully (I actually have a fairly imitative musical ability honed by early training years) but don’t necessarily remember how a song goes beyond some vague tune – simply because I don’t interact with music mindfully.

Actually on the concept of breathing and mindfulness, that is what say pranayama is helping you do – breathe mindfully. Also, shavasana is MINDFULLY telling yourself to relax and become mindless – ooh soo cool! OK, note to self – anulom vilom everyday, Josh!

I try and swim often (that’s the only form of exercise I permit myself to do) – and, ofcourse, in the spirit of gamification (read my past blog) – need to count the laps, and then better them everyday – just creating kutti mental incentives – but then if I’m not swimming mindfully I forget the counting – and probably mess it up.  In the big picture, no sweat but still annoying. Having said that, should swimming be mindful? Maybe that’s what one should aim for – mindless swimming, thus enabling the mind be free to wander around – btw, my swimming time is when my blog ideas come to me – maybe that’s good? So, then, question – is mindfulness good all the time? On the other hand, does it then interfere with multitasking? (read another previous blog)

The time when it DEFINITELY should be applied is while driving – I HATE drivers who hog the middle of the lane – most often trucks or scooters, thereby not allowing small cars like mine to pass by on either side – if only you would, mindfully, enable win-win, wouldn’t it be easier for all. But then, is this behaviour actually willful do you think? In our overpopulated and fiercely competitive country, maybe the only way to stay on top is to make sure the other person is worse than you? Not for you to be better than the other one? What do you think?

Mindful, though, is how I describe my young nephew (much to my kids’ resentment). Scenario – a big family function – think big fat Indian wedding, only substitute a boy’s thread ceremony for wedding. Some 40 house guests for a 4 day function – all organized in a normal Mumbai flat. Obviously there was lots of work, which in true Indian middle class fashion, was being done by all. But, one name stood out in terms of overall omniscience, reliability and just dogged hard work. And that was my nephew Rohan – like I told my cousin his dad later, all our kids are respectful and helpful teenagers – but Rohan is mindful – so, he is actually prescient – he sees that one grand aunt with varicose veins needs a footstool to extend leg, and gets it; realizes when dinner is over that the next step is going to be mattresses rolled out for bedtime and starts on that job; keeps an eye on the panditji performing the rites so he knows when milk is needed, when a matchbox is empty and when the prasad is being called for. All this, because he is mindful.

No shade, but obviously the biggest deterrent to mindfulness is the mobile phone – that’s where the other teenagers were busy, and hence not able to contribute unless specifically asked to do so. This actually is not just restricted to teens, my friend broke a bone in her toe because she was on her screen while walking and tripped on a stone (not mindful walking)…

Talking of teens, just finished reading a teen fantasy fiction series – the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger – in that, kids trigger abilities – by mindfully concentrating on what they need to do….(you should read teen fantasy fic, guys, so addictive)

So, what do you think? What are your examples of being mindful within the corporate scenario and what is the impact? #foodforthought?

Coming to Hirana – there is an inherent note to mindfulness within the lyrics themselves – the caution to the deer of being mindful while grazing – just to avoid the evil hunters. Enjoy…..

On 18 hour work days and Quiet Quitting

2 Nov

I get Shantanu Deshpande. I really do – maybe its generational, maybe its just a type; but I have more than a sneaking fellow feeling for him. So does the husband. And so do/ did Roger Federer, Steve Jobs, Indira Gandhi and Amitabh Bachchan.

I mean, I now lead a life which I worry is a very bad example to my kids in how checked out it is – I walk 15k steps a day while taking dog for ambulatory walks; read (and re read) old comfortable books (like Blytons and Potters and Heyers) while generating HUGE tsundoku; attend music groups; avidly follow cooking trends (on that topic – butter boards: yes or no?); clock 8 hours plus on average on several devices; and drink copious amounts of beer on weekends. Thankfully, the husband’s lifestyle is the exact opposite – his day begins at like 5 am-ish, and ends at 1 am-ish – with maybe an hour and a half for other stuff like eating; walking dog. The rest – he is working. (Except for the drinking on weekends). I’m hoping the kids learn from the dad even if they aspire to the mom.

But, this lifestyle of mine came AFTER years of backbreaking slogging – of, in fact, much more than 18 hour workdays – and that, irrespective of whether I worked in a privately held Indian business, a Multinational Corporation, or of course my own venture. I think I’ve recorded this somewhere earlier: when we were running our start-up; given it was in the early days of digital media – so, a very new domain, and completely new roles at entrepreneurship for us partners, also new geographies that were not co- located, we needed to have really long hours, and often, undefined work scope. It was NOT easy – but, as I told some teams who were complaining about the long work hours – ‘nothing you can say about unreasonable hours will astonish me, as I’ve done all this and more’….

So I now feel reasonably guiltless about my life of leisure – I think it is well earned – I’ve paid my dues and am now reaping the reward – the reward is compounded by the fact that I don’t really have a hugely expensive lifestyle and am very happy to just smell the roses as it were.

I think our generation (and definitely those before us) had this very strict effort and reward code – you work hard, you get your reward (in money/ in time/ in success whatever). It was generally acknowledged and proven that you didn’t get good marks unless you slogged, and that meant you didn’t get admissions into good colleges, and that meant you didn’t get good jobs, and that meant you didn’t make good money and that meant you didn’t have a good lifestyle. It was fairly direct correlation, and fairly organic growth.

Also, it was a waterfall sequence related to life cycle stages – work at one phase/ family at the next/ retirement and attendant benefits at the next. And, at the overlapping stages, it entailed constant juggling.

But, I think times have changed drastically (at least in urban middle class cohorts). Maybe it’s the culture of instant gratification, (no waiting in line at STD booth for calls/ hungry at 2 am? just order swiggy/ spent too much this semester? a click and mom wires money…). Maybe it’s the wave of cool start ups – with so many unicorns around that enable exponential payoffs and reward, the newer generations want a non correlated effort-reward equation. As I see it, the newer younger workforce is not willing to submit one’s life at the altar of their jobs.

Hence the uproar on Shantanu Deshpande’s edict (and his subsequent resignation). Hence quiet quitting. Hence the workation trend. Hence the shortening median tenure at a single job (down from 36 odd months to 18 now).

The good part about this – the fact that this generation wants ownership of their time. They feel they are multi dimensional, they want to explore different parts of themselves, and they do not necessarily feel that money is equal to success.

They probably also feel that hard is not equal to smart – which is valid – one doesn’t necessarily want everyone slogging at stuff that could be done quicker/ better – technology now works tirelessly at enabling that very thing. 

The problem with this however is when this desire translates to a work ethic that makes the job just the job, when the commitment/ the drive for excellence/ the passion is not only lacking, it is considered not a good thing. Because, lets face it – there ARE times when you need the 18 hour work day – it’s not ideal, but it’s unavoidable. Because, unicorns and stock options notwithstanding, earning money is not easy – it takes long, unremitting hours very often. And, one has to strike a balance between ensuring good physical and mental health, and giving one’s all to what you are doing.

So, one has to wonder – it’s great that the current generation is making things easier for itself and that hedonism is a quasi virtue, and definitely that folks are prioritising health over everything. But, in the process, are we creating a less hardy/ more entitled generation? When chips are down, will this generation be able to cope? Or am I just too old and cynical? Food for Thought.

Of “Est”s and “Er”s

22 Sep

My friend Kirana, who is writes a lovely travel blog, just wrote one on the Gol Gumbaz, the highest dome in the world. That touched a nerve, because it’s been a long standing bucket list item – in fact, was planned for just pre Covid. 

The reason Bijapur is on the list, though, is the same as the one that made me jump at the prospect of travelling to Cherrapunji (for long the place with the highest rainfall in the world) last year. It’s also the same impulse that made me eagerly volunteer to go to Kharagpur for some crappy workshop in my very first job – I went from Jamshedpur, and spent a fairly average day there – but came away super satisfied that I had seen India’s longest Railway Platform! In 2019, when some friends asked me if I was interested in going to Varanasi with them, (a city I had HATED when I last visited it with my family, due to my memories of the filth and squalor, and the fact that I had my period and my Ganges-mad-granddad wanted me to take a dip in the holy river (fortunately my mum intervened)); I immediately said yes, because they were going on to Bodh Gaya, and I struck a deal with them that we would also visit Nalanda – the oldest university in India, and one of the oldest in the world!

Yes, you’re right – all these are places I remember from the GK books, and the long list of India’s “finest” (longest/ biggest/ highest etc)

OK, time for a quiz then : In India, which is the –

Highest Gateway

Highest Multiple Arch Dam

Largest Monastery

Longest Train Service

Oldest Refinery

Smallest River

But this is not a travel blog – its about the impulse in us which makes us slaves to superlatives – best/ biggest/ first/ fastest/ most…

Maybe it’s an Indian thing – we are born competitive – after all, with 1.3 billion people, how else do you stand out. It’s the Indian parent stereotype, isn’t it?

But actually, its not the “-ests” but generally the “-ers” which drive most of us – these could be comparative vs. the Sharmas or, against our own selves.

One of the most iconic ads of my generation was the Rin ad – which went “bhala uski kameez meri kameez se safed kaise”….

Totally comparative. In fact, some of the Rin ads were banned later – because they were directly comparing P&G’s Tide.

But, honestly, this is what keeps us going right? This search – bigger house, more salary, better college, higher number of steps, lesser number of calories. And it’s a good way to be actually – most of us need a goal to strive for, otherwise rudderless lives generally tend to lose focus. So, irrespective of who this benchmark is – the person next door, or our own standards, an “er” is not a terrible way to live. I think what is important is to a) find benchmarks that make sense b) focus on the process of getting the “er”, and by implication, c) not get disheartened and demoralised if the “er” is looking harder to get than initially hoped for.

But how about when it is physically impossible to better – when say old age slows you down so you start doing lesser? I see my dad. Pre covid, he was an active 85 year old. Come lockdown, and he can hardly walk from one end of the room to another – he is frail”er”, weak”er”, slow”er”….how does it feel I wonder to be seeing these “ers” – the ones trending downwards…..Food For Thought?

Answers to Quiz (in order): Buland Darwaza; Idukki; Tawang; Himsagar Express; Digboi; Arvari

Friendship in the Meta Verse

20 Sep

No, this is not about Chavez and Strange. It’s also not (really) about chatrooms and dating in the Tinder/ Bumble world. I would say it’s an analysis of how a retired person spends her time, and also a commentary on social structures now.

My typical day now is – take dog for morning walk, listen to some awesome music on Machan, a music community started by a young musician during the Pandemic times, then spend some time chatting on my other Whatsap groups – collegemates/ lanemates/ kids’-friends’-parents-who-are-now-friends/ family/ ex colleagues etc etc…and so on. This chat stuff is pretty much ongoing – and leads to most social stuff too…

I spent a friday last month hosting a group of ladies who all went to the same group of educational institutions and now live close to me for drinks, food and conversation – I knew 1 of the 10-12 folks who came. I spent this Saturday with another group of ladies, who all went to the same group of educational institutions, but who are into music in various ways – this hosted by a lady I’ve never met before. Again, out of the 20 odd who attended, I knew 2 folks. I spent one weekend doing a brewery trail with another subset of the same larger group, this time girls all interested in “baking, cooking, traveling”. That group has done a choley bhaturey trail, and a dosa idli/ thindi trail too. One sunday was spent at Cubbon Park, organising an Enid Blyton style picnic for, yes you guessed it right – Enid Blyton enthusiasts in Bangalore. Did a gin trail with some neighbours last weekend – we went to 3 different houses, where we drank interesting gin cocktails and ate some yum food. I even did a gin quiz :).

For a long time, my friends were – neighbours/ school/ college/ work 1/ work 2/ etc…then husband’s school college work 1 work 2, then kids’ friends parents; so, very ordained by demographics.

But the explosion of the virtual medium obviously expanded the specs of friend groups – and made it possible to have “friends” grouped by interests and opinions.

The meta verse therefore made it possible to have friends across demographic barriers – age, geography, gender, SEC

In my parents’ generation, their friends were largely still found in extended family – so, we would celebrate holi diwali picnics with our big family (and have “friend” groups within the family by different age group bands). When I was learning to drive and would take my car out every weekend to practise (because of traffic), my mum who was my companion would always make a relative’s house her destination – she would say “take me to so and so’s house – I don’t want to just drive around or go to the shops or whatever”.

This leads me to think – earlier, you had friends and you did EVERYTHING with them…now you have friends to do different things with – a book club friend to go watch Where the Crawdads Sing; running friends to attempt a baby Iron Man with; friends who would go to an Oktoberfest with you; Music friends whom you can text and gossip with about the Indian Idol Singers; so, the meta verse enabled classical marketing 101 lessons on segmentation and targeting.

In context, as Roger Federer announced his retirement, we saw many tributes to him – some even coming from “frenemies”. Leads one to think – has friendship itself become more multi layered? It was always onion peel structure – besties/ acquaintances/ enemies – but did the meta verse make friendship structures more complex? What is the “new” definition of friendship.

As I was pondering these questions, I asked random Whatsap groups of “friends” what they thought were iconic friendships they could name. Here are the results

Some random questions got thrown out as these were being discussed:

  • Doesn’t Indian mythology throw up good examples of Female – Female friendships?
  • Can “friendships” exist between men and women or are they of necessity romantic in nature?

So, what do you guys think – what is friendship now; has it changed from when you were younger; what are your favourite examples of “friends”…..Food For Thought!

As for me, all I can say is, “I get along with a little help from my friends” – you all know who you are – Fabulous 4; PNTRMUAA; Ladies Who Lunch; Gandige Swaminies; Gandikota Gang; BCT; Wiimw; Goa Gang; A Block; General GS; Come Takers; Penguins….

Personal Branding vs. Succession Planning: An Ode to a Queen?

12 Sep

The Queen is dead. Long live the King…

Yes, colonial past hangover notwithstanding, I have to confess it IS the end of an era – if nothing else, she was remarkable for her attire, and her corgis!

But looks like I’m not the only one not being able to compute the new Monarch’s feet filling the late Queen’s very large boots – most memes on the net are trolling the poor guy for a) the long wait he’s had to finally become king, but b) also for his perceived (in)competence to do this job.

The question to ask, though, is – is it really his fault that there is this scepticism about his abilities. Maybe not. Maybe, quite apart from the fact that he’s spent 70 + years being lord in waiting, it’s also a case of the Queen having been larger than life/ TOO big a brand. And therefore, that big brand is shadowing all in its “wake”….Leads me to think of this very conundrum that I was discussing with a family member the other day…

In the corporate world too, and specially in the start up/ entrepreneurial world, a leader needs to build his/ her personal brand. Sometimes, nay, often, the personality of the leader is intertwined with that of the corporate. At the very least, very often the leader is the public face of the corporate – and a lot of the thought leadership/ the voice of the organisation and definitely the culture, stem from the leader.

It is wise, therefore, for said leader to build his/ her personal brand – this is even more important in today’s world of digital influencers and viral means of communications. Think Musk and Tesla, or, closer to home and a very different industry, Prannoy Roy and NDTV…the organisation and the leader become almost merged personnae.

But this inseparability of org and leader – is it too good a job done, or is it the harbinger of the next level of problems.

After all, What happens when the leader has to go – for whatever reason – to bigger/ better/ other things; or, just, as in the case of the Queen, to a better life…..if the head honcho has made the org too entrenched in her own way of thinking and acting, how does succession planning happen. 

We experienced this moment when we four co founders sold our small sized business to a large org – the way we were structured, there was no clear one successor. The org taking us over did things their own way (as they needed to, to be fair)…what resulted was a gradual disintegration of the org we had built…maybe it was for the best; maybe this is the way it anyway would have panned out; but for sure I believe that had we had a clear strong leader as a successor, the course our startup charted would have been very different.

This is also the advice I was giving this relative – he is a strong charismatic leader doing many different, brilliant things – but he doesn’t yet have a strong successor. In his case, it is compounded by the fact that what he is doing is very new, and lies in the social welfare domain – hence there are fewer monetary compensations.

Every 3 months, he talks about moving on to the next big thing – and I have to speedily bring him back saying, wheres your successor????

So, what one needs to think about is – where does building the personal brand end, and building a successor begin. Whats the balance. How do you ensure sustainability of your legacy….in effect, long live the king, yes, but how do you make sure its also long live the kingdom…..

Food For Thought?